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client spotlight

AMB Interactive


See how Content Army™ has played a key role in helping Joshua Behr, CEO of the Klaviyo Elite Partner Agency, AMB Interactive, scale his content strategy.

the mission

The modern B2B buyer is harder to reach than ever. Old tactics like pay per click ads and cold outreach have lost their edge in scaling a B2B business. We help busy founders like Josh turn their expertise into a turnkey content engine that builds authority and predictably generates leads each month.


Partnering with Content Army™ has been a pivotal decision for both me and AMB.

I love content creation and sharing my insights with the eCommerce community, but running a business left me with little time for content creation. Content Army™ filled that gap brilliantly, helping me get my message out after not doing so for a long time. Their hands-on approach has been instrumental in producing high-quality content that truly resonates in a crowded market.

Joshua Behr
AMB Interactive


We've helped Josh turn his expertise into hook-driven, highly engaging video content for social channels that demonstrates his thought leadership which resonates with AMB’s ideal customer profile.

onsite funnel

We help drive prospects deeper into your marketing funnel with onsite content that is not only SEO optimized but so valuable they would've paid good money for it.