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[top secret]

scaling thought
Leadership for
Busy Entrepreneurs

scaling thought
for Busy Entrepre-neurs


We help B2B leaders create content engines that build authority and predictably generate leads each month.

enlist now

A New
Playbook for B2B Success

Expertise Amplified,
Effort Minimized

The B2B buyer is harder to reach than ever. Old tactics like pay per click ads and cold outreach have lost their edge. You're not just a busy founder—you're the keeper of your business narrative, an untapped asset in a crowded market. Imagine turning that expertise into a potent, streamlined content strategy.

That's not wishful thinking—it's what industry leaders are doing right now. That's where Content Army™ steps in.

bryan starck
100 Celsius
i have long admired how adam leveraged content...
Founder, Refunnel

content army has played a crucial role in elevating wonderment's content strategy and thought...

CEO, Wonderment

Partnering with content army has been a pivotal decision for both myself and AMB...

CEO, AMB Interactive LLC
enlist now

Partnering with content army transformed my business. Their in-depth onboarding process and commitment to understanding my unique service led to a dramatic increase in LinkedIn engagement. In just two months, my followers grew by over 1k...

Managing Director,
Quirky Digital

When Adam productized his methods into a service and presented it to me, I was intrigued. His assurance that it would require less than an hour of my time each month clinched it for me. I’m genuinely excited to be an early partner and see how a content-first approach can boost Refunnel’s growth in 2024.

atif raza
Co-Founder, Refunnel

I always struggled to find enough time in the week for content creation, and their format of a one-hour interview that turns into enough content for a full month is incredible leverage. Plus - they’re an awesome team that’s committed to producing excellent work!

bryan starck
Founder, 100 Celsius

I love content creation and sharing my insights with the eCommerce community, but running a business left me with little time for content creation. Content ArmyTM filled that gap brilliantly, helping me get my message out after not doing so for a long time. Their hands-on approach has been instrumental in producing high-quality content that truly resonates in a crowded market.

joshua behr
CEO, AMB Interactive

Their in-depth onboarding process and commitment to understanding my unique service led to a dramatic increase in LinkedIn engagement. In just two months, my followers grew by over 1k, posts reached 200k views, and profile views exceeded 1.5k. Most importantly, LinkedIn has become a key source of B2B prospects and pre-registrations for our upcoming SEO course.

liam quirk
Managing Director, Quirky Digital

Collaborating with their team has not only expanded our social media impact with engaging, customer-focused content but also sharpened our overall messaging. Their expertise and partnership approach have been invaluable in refining our strategy and connecting with our ideal audience.

jess meher

how it works

We meet for a 1-hour comprehensive interview each month

We ask you the
questions your ideal
customer profile wants the answers to

We turn those

answers into an entire library of
captivating content

You post it on your social channels, website, and anywhere else you promote content

Over time you become an authority in your subject matter expertise via the content we produce together

client spotlight

Explore how we're helping our clients win the war on thought leadership.

transparent pricing

No two content strategies are the same — that's why we customize a content package for each client.

Each month you'll receive an entire arsenal of turnkey content from the following to dominate social media, build your audience, and generate demand.

Special pricing is available for bundling and long-term agreements.




Short-Form Videos: Full motion videos to be published on social media platforms such as LinkedIn®, Twitter (X)®, YouTube® Shorts or any other video sharing platform.


Static image-based carousels of 6 - 10 image slides per carousel.


Static image posts optimised for social media with supporting copy to accompany each piece of content.


Turn your carousels into captivating and native Twitter (X)® threads.


Never stare at your keyboard again. Get 30 text based tweets that are pulled directly from our interviews to capture your authentic voice.


All plans comes with full guidance on how & when to schedule distribution across your social media channels for maximum impact.

$3,950 usd
per month

You'll receive an entire arsenal of content each month from the following to dominate social.

✱ One (1) in-depth recorded interview of up to one (1) hour
✱ Static image-based carousels delivered as PDF or PNG format of six to ten (6 - 10) image slides per carousel
✱ Full motion video to be published as YouTube® shorts (or any other video sharing platform such as (X)®/LinkedIn®/Instagram®/TikTok® or website usage), specifically up to sixty (60) seconds in run-time length, 9:16 aspect and 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution or 1:1 aspect and 1080 x 1080 pixel resolution
Twitter (X)® threads: Turn your carousels into captivating and native Twitter (X)® threads delivered in a text-based format with supporting images of six to 10 (6-10) images per thread
30 Text-Based Tweets under 280 characters each so you never stare at your keyboard again. Tweets are pulled directly from our interviews to capture your authentic voice
✱ Static image posts with aspect ratio optimized for the social media channel scheduled for deployment
✱ Supporting copywriting to accompany each piece of content of between one hundred (100) & one hundred and forty (140) characters in length plus suggested hashtag keywords

$3,950 usd
per month


[also included]

✱ Scheduled distribution guidance & advice for LinkedIn®, Twitter®, Instagram®, TikTok®, YouTube® Shorts

[want more?]

Add on more marketing firepower with things like:
- Lead magnets
- Onsite funnel content
- Case studies
- Newsletter management
- Live events
- Social media scheduling


What should I expect for a turnaround time?

From the minute you sign, we deploy the troops. Which means that within 48 hours we’ll have you onboarded with the Content Army™ team. Our troops will immediately begin keyword research, branding & styling design and tone of voice discovery. Within another 48 hours we’ll be booked in and recording the essential video interview with your appointed specialist. Over the next 7 - 10 business days, the Content Army™ will be generating all of your superior creatives ready for your review.

We offer a 3-day review window to gather all your feedback from the frontline and make any necessary adjustments or changes. Following this period, and after any revisions, we deploy the material directly to your team ready for syndication and scheduling throughout social media.

The cycle begins again in preparation for month two and beyond.

What other services do you offer?

On top of the existing incredible content creation engine we offer, Content Army™ will soon be providing the following exciting services:

- Lead magnets
- Newsletter launches 
- Case studies
- Podcast creation 
- Social media engagement pods
- Social media posting and scheduling
- Tweet Storms

Can my marketing team work alongside Content Army™?

Absolutely, we welcome reinforcements. At Content Army™, consider us your specialized unit focused on content strategy and creation. Our mission is to integrate seamlessly into your existing marketing operations, providing firepower where you need it most. If your in-house team has established guidelines, campaign objectives, or specific battle plans they'd like us to fall in line with, we're ready to collaborate.

To make this alliance as effective as possible, we appoint a dedicated field officer on our end to liaise directly with your marketing command. This ensures that the intel we gather and the content we create are not just top-tier, but also perfectly aligned with your overarching strategy. Through open channels of communication, we keep all parties updated, making certain that timelines are honored and objectives are met.

In uniting our forces, we aim to make the content we deliver a pivotal asset in your overall marketing arsenal.

Which channels do you manage for me?

Content Army™ is a content creation agency that specializes in creating powerfully engaging content for B2B brands of all sizes. Our team of writers, designers, and videographers have a deep understanding of what it takes to create content that resonates with audiences and drives results.

While we don't currently offer services to post content to social media, we do provide our clients with detailed and battle-tested guidelines on when and how to post for optimal results. These guidelines take into account factors such as your target audience, your industry, and your overall marketing goals.

If you're looking for a content creation agency that can help you create amazing content that will help you achieve your marketing goals, then Content Army™ is the perfect choice for you.

Do you engage with comments on my social media channels?

We understand that comment engagement on social media posts is an important part of community building and growth. While we don't currently offer this service, we are looking at adding it to our list in the near future.

We believe that engaging with comments on social media posts can help to: Increase engagement with your content, build relationships with your followers, drive traffic to your website or landing pages, generate leads and sales.

We are confident that adding comment engagement to our service offerings will help you to supercharge the engagement of your social media content. We will keep you updated on our progress and let you know when this service is available.

What sort of deliverables will I receive?

The Base Camp Package includes 18 pieces of content giving you an entire arsenal of content each month. From a 1-hour monthly interview, you will have your content turned into the following: short-form videos, carousels, static-image posts, Twitter (X)® threads, and text-based tweets. You will also receive scheduled distribution guidance & advice for LinkedIn®, Twitter®, Instagram®, TikTok®, and YouTube® Shorts at no extra cost.

Interested in onsite content? Add on more marketing firepower with things like: Lead magnets, onsite funnel content, case studies, newsletter management, live events, and social media scheduling.