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[top secret]

I teach entrepreneurs how to build a highly profitable personal brand through content marketing, digital products and Newsletters.

From as little as only 4 hours of your time each month!
personal brand,
4 hour

I'm Adam,

A former kindergarten, teacher turned digital marketer, that went from dead broke (-$1,000 overdraft at 30 years old) to scaling one of the world’s most renowned email marketing agencies (Magnet Monster) through the power of my personal brand alone.

personal brand

I am obsessed with studying the creator economy. I believe building a personal brand is the ultimate form of leverage and differentiation when launching an online business in today's world.

My mission is to teach founders how to create powerful content engines that build huge audiences and drive massive profits via my coaching platform, Content Army.

In just 2 months, my followers grew by over 1k and posts reached 200k views using Adam's methods. Most importantly, LinkedIn has become a key source of B2B sales and pre-registrations for our upcoming SEO course.

Liam Quirk head shot
Liam Quirk
CEO — Quirky Digital

Adam’s expertise in content marketing has been a major driver in Wonderment’s partner program growth, which is a powerful revenue source for our company.

Jess Meher head shot
Jess Meher
CEO — Wonderment

I have long admired how Adam leveraged content to grow a remarkable following on LinkedIn and become a thought leader. When he productized his methods and showed me how to create content in just 1 hour per month, it clinched it for me.

Atif Raza head shot
Atif Raza
CEO — Refunnel

Adam's approach has been insanely valuable for me as a busy founder. His format of creating enough content for a month from a single hour is incredible leverage for scaling our business.

Bryan Starck head shot
Bryan Starck
CEO — 100 Celsius



We take time-strapped founders and transform them into consistent creators with our signature 90-day sprints.

Each quarter, we take a cohort of business owners and teach you how to create and automate distribution of a fully-fledged content marketing strategy in less than 4 hour's per month (yes, really).

through content

At the end of each cycle, all our founders have mastered consistent content creation and many go on to build personal newsletters, release digital courses and generate more leads through growing their audiences.

apply to join
Adam Kitchen presenting

how it works

Days 0-21: Positioning & Systems

personal brand

I'll teach you how to get laser-focused on generating traction with your ICP by building the right content pillars to rapidly scale your audience.

We'll then work on optimizing your social media profiles, perfecting your funnel and teaching you a repeatable, scalable content system to manage in-house at the end of the project.

Days 22-60: Building the Habit

Knowledge is only power when it's backed up by practical implementation. That's why at this stage of the project I'll guide you through posting 5 X per week across LinkedIn & Twitter to build traction.

We'll begin to invest heavily in automation at this phase to free up more creative energy for content production.

Days 61-90: Iterative Improvement & Scaling

In the final 30 days of the program, I'll show you how to leverage AI to generate infinite content angles while maintaining your authentic tone of voice.

My promise is to leave you with a sustainable, scalable marketing strategy that requires just a 4-hour time investment each month.

Most founders have these misconceptions about creating content and building their personal brand:

  • They think creating content takes too much time
  • They don't know what content to create
  • They don't have the systems to scale production
  • They fear "putting themselves out there" will attract criticism
  • They think creating content is low ROI

All of this is not true. You can generate leads very quickly with strong content if you know what to say and where to distribute it.

I'll teach you the exact content
strategies I've used to:

  • Close over $5million in revenue for my digital agency
  • Launch a successful course that sold over $75k in one month with zero paid ads
  • Have an 80% hiring success rate with inbound candidates
  • Partner with global tech companies desperate to co-market with me
  • Build incredible friendships with other entrepreneurs

Content is the ultimate form of leverage in the modern creator economy.
And I help you to unlock that leverage.

i help you